The Sykam S 700 series of preparative HPLC modules and preparative HPLC systems offers the user a wide range of possible system configurations. Whether you need a simple isocratic chromatography system with manual sample injection or a fully automated quaternary high-pressure gradient system for multi-dimensional chromatography with column-switching and reversed-flow capabilities, the S 700 series offers the user maximum flexibility to configure the system to virtually any preparative chromatographic application.
Following general features apply to the Sykam S 700 chromatography systems:
- Stainless steel or biocompatible (PEEK) flow-paths
- Pumps with flow-rate ranges of 150 ml/min up to 1000 ml/min as isocratic or low-pressure mixing or high-pressure mixing gradient configurations and pressure range up to 400 bar
- Pumps with a flow-rate up to 250 ml/min with optional built-in vacuum eluent degassers and low pressure quaternary gradient mixing as a single instrument module
- UV/Vis detectors: 1-channel, 2-channel or PDA detector with integrated peak detection and switching valve and/or fraction collector control
- Single valve and multiple valve units for variable flow-path configurations. Functions like reversed flow, solvent recycling, large volume sample uptake, column switching and multidimensional chromatography can be easily configured and automated
- Fraction collectors configurable for tube, bottle and container fraction collection
Specific details are listed with each module and systems below. Please feel free to contact us for specialized support and advice.
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